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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…

(Ephesians 6:10-18)

Do my prayers avail, God?  Do they reach your throne?

Do the ears of the God of heaven turn…?

Does it move your hand?  Do I touch your heart?

In the change of this world, do I play a part?

Does it change a thing- when I’m on my knees,

Pouring out my soul, sending up my pleas?

When I pray for loved ones gone astray,

Does it guide them back to the narrow way?

In your Word I have read that you love to hear

The prayers of the saints, and You bow your ear

To hear their petitions and grant requests,

Delighting the sons of men to bless.

Sometimes I grow weary as I ponder life,

As in the spiritual war I fight.

Again and again, the same requests,

Month after month in my spirit pressed.

Because no immediate change I see,

I wonder if He is hearing my pleas.


Ah! But God’s Word- it tells me so much!

It tells me that He is delighted with such

Who stand on His Word and bravely fight,

When all around is the darkest night.

With the weapon that overcomes all the world,

That defies any darts that Satan may hurl.

‘Tis our faith in God Almighty, you see,

That allows us to walk in the true victory.

The battle for us, he has already won,

So, trusting in Him, consider it done!

Nothing impossible for God to do

If our faith is strong and our purpose is true.


When your heart is heavy and well-nigh rent,

And circumstances seem to be hell-bent;

When the adversary comes in like a flood,

And you’re wondering if prayer will do any good…

“Paper giants” are they, by the Enemy sent,

To tear down your courage and break down your strength.

But child of God! You are stronger that they!

If your faith lies in God, they will have to give way!


Remember the story that Bunyan told

Of Christian who walked the heavenly road.

When dread Apollyon straddled the way,

And did battle with Christian the live-long day.

But Christian relied on the strength of God-

On He who before him the road had trod.

“Give way! You’re a defeated foe!”

And with his shield of faith, he parried the blows.

So he fought, while Apollyon stewed

And finally flew off with a deadly wound.


Or remember the drawbridge, with giants grim,

To deny those who would, from entering in.

Yet, “Yon’ stout fellow hacked his way through”,

With the two-edged sword, and its’ promises true.

“Paper giants” were they, for he put his faith

In the God who waited beyond its’ gates.

But had he been fearful of their great size,

And cowardly shrank from pursuing the prize;

True giants indeed would they have been,

And surely have kept him from entering in.

‘Twas his faith in God that made them weak,

But gave him the strength to accomplish the feat!


So, no matter what obstacle you may face,

No matter how difficult seems the race;

When life seems quite beyond repair

Or a struggle has brought you to despair;

When you’ve prayed for months, and your tired arms drop-

My brother, we cannot -dare not- stop!


Lighten your load and your vision renew

Turn your eyes upon God and away from you.

Lighten your load? Ah, yes, indeed!

If you would have God your prayers to heed,

Lay aside those things that become a snare,

Of those many “legal” things, beware!

For half-hearted prayers from distracted minds,

Find it difficult the heart of God to find.


Make sure your desire and purpose is true

And your hands are clean and your heart is pure.

Then surely the prayers of a righteous man,

Will avail and accomplish God’s great plan.

For in due season, if you faint not,

You shall reap reward, if you do not stop,

But continue to pray, covered by the blood;

Down on your knees, doing battle for God.


Remember the past, when in desperate straits

When upon your God you cast your fate?

When He pulled you through and deliverance brought,

What a joyful faith in your heart it wrought!

“Never again will I doubt my King!

But when trials come, I will trust and sing!”

And yet so soon, when the next test comes,

Your heart despairs and you’re blue and glum.


Rest not your hope upon the greatness of your faith

But cast upon the greatness of God your weight.

He is true to his Word: take courage my friend,

For “There are more with you, than there is with them.”

Able is He, above all that we think or ask,

If we humble ourselves and pray and fast.

Then surely from heaven he will hear our cry,

Sending help and deliverance from His throne on high!


For greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world!

—Sarah Raber     -May 1, 2002

Tracts and Articles


A Cry From the Heart

The Great Divorce

The Styrofoam Cross


Sitting in the Gates of Sodom

Divine Love

As Jesus Loved

Do You Really Care?

But Mine Eye Spared Thee

Not to Please Ourselves

The Unbarred Door

Come See My Zeal for the LORD!


Face the Battle Singing!


Holiness Unto the Lord

Innocent Amusements-Finney

The Following of Christ

Mark of the Beast



I Don't Want It

The Danger of Riches-Wesley

The Deceitfulness of Riches

Danger of Increasing Riches-Wesley

Kingdom Economics

Through the Eye of a Needle- The Doctrine of Nonaccumulation

Practical issues

Pharmakeia-2000 A.D.

On Alternative Medicine--Look at the Facts

Finney on Dress

The Idolatry of Television

The Full Gospel Beard

The Fornication Puzzle

Enjoyment of the Pleasures of the Present Life- Letter of John Newton

Sustainable Living series

What's Right about Insurance?

Introduction to Caneyville Christian Community


Power Through Prayer

The Necessity of Prayer

Purpose In Prayer

Possibilities of Prayer

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...


Is This That?

Primitive Christianity

The Church Fire

The Revival Spirit

Burning for Jesus

The Dead Began to Speak


Jesus Our Scapegoat

The Supreme "IF"

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