El cristianismo primitivo--Primitive Christianity--O cristianismo primitivo



The Ultimate Alternative Energy Source

The last two articles have peeped into solar ice-making and wood-burning vehicles.  But I have a better solution yet to the energy crunch.  Ready?
This amazing machine is self-propelled, self-guiding, and needs no petroleum nor batteries.  And the technology has been around ever since man can remember. There are different models and sizes, but the average one can carry 50lbs without too much strain, but with some attachments it has been known to move tons of dead weight.
Now, back to the energy source. This versatile machine can actually use a variety of fuels, but one good source of fuel is very common: green beans!
Yes, those things you grow in the garden are fuel!  And, even more amazing is that pound for pound, this machine gets 100 times more power out of green beans than what battery-powered machines get out of a battery.
The way this machine utilizes the green bean is pretty complicated.  But the central computer actually can direct the machine to the garden, plant the bean, weed it, harvest it, carry to the kitchen, cook it, and put it in the fuel tank, all by itself.  From this very green fuel there is practically no harmful emissions, and in fact if properly cared for the emissions can be recycled to help make more green beans.
Now, if you have not already determined that I have been reading too many Sci-fi books, let me tell you why we do not use these machines more.
Better yet, why don't you tell me?  After all, I am talking about your own body!
Well, I have wondered why folks are fussing so much about running out of energy sources, when we have muscles and brains and bones, designed just for using.  If and when the oil drys up, and the coal disappears, we may finally be forced to remember that we have muscles and sweat glands, and that we are better off using them than letting them waste away.
Yes, there is 100 times more energy in healthy food than what is found in batteries.  So go buy a pound of AA batteries and see how far that can move 50lbs.  Then go buy a pound of green beans and see how far that you can carry 50lbs with the energy from the beans, properly cooked and eaten.
A lot of our energy crunch stems from the fact that the average American has utterly forgotten the capabilities of a healthy body.  I am reminded of my own experience, in South America.  I have been a sort of odd-ball all my life (as if you didn't all ready know that!), preferring the simple life and its joys rather than the rat-race and its head-aches.  Hence, I knew what it was like to live out of the back of a pick-up for a couple of months.  And I knew what it was like to walk several miles in one day on a hike or a fox hunt.
But the 12 miles from our house in the Bolivian countryside to town was too far to walk to get groceries.  At least it was in my mind, until I got de-americanized.
By vehicle, the trip to town was about 30 minutes; remember we are on a South American dirt/gravel road, not a highway.  By horse and cart it was 2 hours, and by bicycle it was about 2 hours--if you didnt have a flat tire on the way.  If you were 19 years old and strong, it was only a 1 hour bike ride, but I was pushing towards 40.  Walking the 12 miles was a 4-hour job.
After my de-americanization, it suddenly did not seem daunting to walk 12 miles to town, and then if necessary, turn around and walk back home.  In fact, when bus connections were not good, it was no big ordeal to just decide to walk 12 miles...no big deal.
Looking back on my experience, I recognize now that it was really a case of "mind over matter", or rather "mind over circumstances".  To the native Bolivians a 12 mile walk to town was matter-of-fact reality if you wanted to go to town.  Many of them considered the bus option a nice luxury they used when they could afford it.
We were created to live within the world's most amazing machine, and yet we spend our days trying to come up with ways to get around having to use it.  Then to top it off, after we sit in a soft chair all day pushing buttons to get out of using our muscles, we head on down to the gym to get our needed exercise.
Hmmmm.  Are we strange or what?



I exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.  Jude 1:3

Me ha sido necesario escribiros amonestándoos que contendáis eficazmente por la fe que ha sido una vez dada á los santos. Judas 1.3

Tive por necessidade escrever-vos, e exortar-vos a batalhar pela fé que uma vez foi dada aos santos. Judas 1:3
